Below are the breakout sessions for One Life Weekend 2025
A Theology of the Imagination
Led by: K.J. Pugh
Senior Pastor - Alberta Baptist Church
As Christians, it's possible to know a lot of true things, but then fail to have those truths capture our imaginations. In this breakout we'll invest some time together developing our imagination-capturing capacities while also seeing what pastoral help is available from Christians who have gone before us (like J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, & G.K. Chesterton) who have labored hard to capture man's imagination with divine truth.
Who Needs The Gospel?
Led by: Jeremy Hudson
Associate Pastor - Emmanuel Baptist Church​
The gospel is the good news of Christ crucified and raised from the dead to save sinners. There is not a better message in the whole world! But is this good news only for the unbeliever? In this breakout we will explore the glorious news of Christ's redeeming work and see that we not only need it at the moment of our conversion but every day of our lives.
Why Do We Sing?
Led by: Tom Allen
Associate Pastor - Emmanuel Baptist Church​
Singing is a prominent part of a church's Sunday morning gathering but why do we do it? In this breakout we will see that singing is not only commanded for God's glory but also for the good of his people by convicting them of sin and encouraging them in the truth.